
Denmark 2-1 Belgium

 The game got off to a fast start, Giovanni Z scoring with the second touch of the game when his well-struck ball took Leopoldo by surprise. Belgium equalised soon though, when Antonio F  - under severe pressure from the defence - kept his concentration to finish a Daniele assist. Denmark re-captured the lead in controversial circumstances. Referee Corcoran awarded a corner to the Danes and, with Belgium protesting that it should have been a kick-out, Lorenzo G got a near-post flick to put his team 2-1 ahead. Belgium had a golden chance to equalise in the second half when Antonio was chopped down in the box by Carlo. But Giovanni Z pulled off a good save from Daniele's penalty and Belgium's best chance was gone.

BEST PLAYER POINTS: Giovanni Z 5, Lorenzo G 4, Antonio F 4, Daniele 2, Luca 2, Sam 1, Carlo 1, Diego 1, Martino 1

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