
Homeroom Challenge: SF1 7R 0-5 8S

After a 5-0 win in their QF, 7R crashed to a 5-0 defeat against a vastly superior 8S today. Claudio started off between the sticks and denied Steve an early goal but, when Lorenzo blasted one past him, Claudio swapped places with Martti. Before the end of period 1, Maverick added a second.

In period 2, Maverick followed up on Martti’s save from a corner to tap in the third goal and he completed his hat-trick when he latched on to a poor clearance and shot past Martti again.

In the past period, Claudio tested Rex on two occasions but Rex saved both. Lorenzo had a shot parried by Martti but Steve was on hand to make it 5-0. Rex picked up two yellow cards though for unsporting behaviour late in the game: he was sent off and will miss the final.

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